It's far from the truth, but there's no convincing a prejudiced mind. False Friend: Starfire eventually rationalizes that Raven was simply hiding her demonic nature for the five years that Raven was on the team, biding her time until she can destroy the world like Trigon would.Face-Revealing Turn: How Wykkyd finds out Raven is possessing the HIVE student he just rescued.Sure enough, the moment Jinx destroys the A.I.'s chip, Nightwing attacks her from behind and knocks her out. The moment down, we're back to being enemies". Exact Words: When Jinx and Nightwing are forced to team up against Overload, the Titan promises that "I'll work with you for this fight.Everyone Has Standards: When Jinx is killed, even Nightwing isn't interested in antagonizing Raven.Earn Your Happy Ending: Years after quitting the Teen Titans and joining a black ops military group, Raven and Jinx finally get married and adopt Melvin, Timmy, and Teether.Death Is Cheap: Raven resurrects Jinx the chapter after she dies.Later in Consequence, when Starfire tries to attack Raven, but fails miserably. Light and Robin, Starfire, and Beast Boy. Curb-Stomp Battle: At the end of Coincidence, when Raven fights Dr.Cruel and Unusual Death: What Raven does to the HIVE team that killed Jinx most definitely counts.Sorcerers/sorceresses can learn every branch. Crippling Over Specialization: Besides sheer power, the main difference between wizards/witches and sorcerers/sorceresses is that wizards/witches are only capable of any significant skill in one or two branches of magic.Justified, given that they spent the last five years as black ops in the military and losing meant dying and being disowned by their organization. Combat Pragmatist: All of Team Black Magic.The Chess Master: Doctor Fate manipulates the events of the sequel to cause minimal damage to the world.Bring My Brown Pants: One of the HIVE students in the team that killed Jinx wets herself upon being confronted by demon Raven.Light, facing and embracing her demonic heritage, and publicly fighting the Titans before quitting the team. A Birthday, Not a Break: Raven's 19th birthday involves such hassles as fighting Dr.Berserk Button: In Coincidence, while talking with Raven in Flavors of Asia, Jinx makes a mental note to find where Raven's berserk button is and avoid it.