
5 letter words with these letters
5 letter words with these letters

5 letter words with these letters

There are many games where you are given a set of letters and asked to make words with these letters Use it to generate random words to use them for solving online games, and apps. The option Words that end with also works the same way and shows you only those words ending with that letter. Click on Words that start with and write any letter there, then only those words will be shown that begin with that letter. There is another awesome option added for you. This will only show you only Common or Popular English Word. If you don't wanna get bother searching for a specific word, you can also click on "Special-Words Only". "UnitedStates-Dictionary" => The newky created words are from United-States English language only. "International-Dictionary" => makes words from your letters from both US and British English Language.

5 letter words with these letters

The website is faster, you can get words from many letters instantly without any issues.Īdvanced Options gives you the option to choose different words from different languages. Like it will show 2 letter words, 3 letter words and so on upto 18 letter words. The list you get, will show you different words. You can write maximum 18 letters in the text box. Then this site will process those letters and will give you How it Works?įor example you write "crtea" in the text box and click on Make words. It re arranges your lettersĪnd checks a large word list from different dictionaries and gives you the words that can be made from those letters. This web generates a list of random or special words based on the letters you write in the text box above. Grep -v "" just_heterograms.txt | grep "^.Advanced Options: Select Word List: Words that Start with: Words that End With: Words With These Letters Grep -v "" just_heterograms.txt | grep "^.$" | tr '\n' ' ' echoīsdhyg bsfmgt crwths crypts flysch ftncmd glyphs kfrsch khlyst lymphs nymphs schftz schwyz strych wrycht Without vowels grep -v "" just_heterograms.txt | \ PTRN=`for z in $(seq 1 $V) do echo -n '' done` \īeauing beauish beauism codiaeum couaism coueism coueist cypraeoid douai euoiĪcquiet actious adeuism adieu adieus adieux aeolic aeolics aeolid aeolightĪbdiel abduction abductions abeigh abeu abie abied abiegh abient abies Strings of vowels seq 5 -1 2 | while read V do \ Grep "^$$" _tmp2 | head -n 5 | tr '\n' ' ' \ġ4 : ambidextrously benzhydroxamic dermatoglyphic hydromagnetics hydropneumaticġ3 : amphigenously brachydontism bridgehampton chimneyboards chromeplatingġ2 : absorptively adjunctively adrenolytics adsorptively ambidextrousġ1 : abolishment abridgments abruptiones absolutized achondritesġ0 : abductions abductores abjections abjunctive abortivelyĩ : abducting abduction abductors abjecting abjectionĨ : abditory abdomens abducens abducent abducingħ : abderus abdomen abduces abducts abelson Here's the first 5 from each see: seq 15 -1 1 | while read LEN do \ The resulting file have these many lines ( = words) wc -l only_lower_a_z.txt just_heterograms.txtĮasy now to see the counts and distribution: cat just_heterograms.txt | tr '' 'x' | sort | uniq -c | grep -n ^ Only_lower_a_z.txt > just_heterograms.txt Next, remove from that list repeating letters, leaving heterograms: grep -vE \

5 letter words with these letters

It might be especially useful to use SCHMALTZ or SCHMALZY/ SHMALTZY to use a Z.įirst, get a word list, simplified to only have letters a-z D=/usr/share/dict/british-english-insane Some possibilities are BRIGHTLY GRYPHONS HYDRANTS PSYCHING SHREWDLY SPLOTCHY. I'm currently working on the eight-letter question (and I want to do it without writing a search script), but as a hint to other solvers: there are only five vowels not including Y (which I just used as a word), so one of the eight-letter words will need to have only one "regular" vowel, and will probably need to use Y as a vowel. In this case, one can list 26 distinct words with no letters in common between any of them! That is, as a word that identifies the letter, as in " C is for Cookie" or "The L Word". The second answer relies on a more flexible meaning of "word": every letter can be regarded as a self-referential word. Strictly speaking, these are the only one-letter words in English ("O" is an alternate spelling of the interjection "Oh"). The first is that there are three different words: For the 1-letter bonus, there are two possible answers:

5 letter words with these letters